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A short, high-energy video to motivate teens to get off their screens and into the real world

Get Access to the Challenge Now

Hello Parent!

If you are here, it's because you are interested in inspiring your teen to be on their devices less and in the real world more.


I share the same goal!


I've been working with teens for over ten years as a teacher, coach and public speaker, helping them build confidence, improve social skills, and achieve their goals.


And if there is one thing I've learned it's that the majority of the problems teens face today–feeling down, disconnected, and distracted–are caused by teens lacking three things...


Meaningful Work

Personal Connections

An Empowering Attitude 


Why do they lack these things?


Because they spend all their time living someone else's life!


They spend hours idolizing some useless YouTube star or TikTok celebrity.


They spend weekends binging shows where they watch fictional characters overcome their obstacles, but their own obstacles remain unsurmounted.


Or they develop callouses on their thumbs playing video games, taking their character to level 100 while their own life remains at level 3.5.


Your teen is capable of so much more!


If only you could give them a kick-in-the-pants to get them moving.


This challenge is that kick-in-the-pants.

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Check out what a REAL TEEN really said to their parent about watching this challenge...

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How This Challenge Works


You are your teen's primary coach. Watch the video ahead of time if you want to get prepared. Then, set aside time to sit down and watch it together.


7 Days to Watch It

The video is less than 15 minutes long. You have 7 days to finish the challenge once you submit the form on this page. Make sure your teen's schedule has an opening and get to it!​


Your Teen can Earn $25 Amazon Gift Card

You heard me. Nothing motivates a teen like cold hard cash. Well, in this case, it'll be a $25 Amazon Gift Card. See details below...


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Your Teen Can Earn a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Like most parents, you really want your teen to learn powerful mental resilience strategies to increase their confidence and productivity.


But your teen is just not motivated.


They'd love to change their life for the better, but it's hard to give them the initial push.


Especially when they think whatever you want them to do is going to be booooooring!


However, I have a fun, engaging program that teaches teens how to improve their thoughts, manage their emotions, create better relationships, and achieve their goals.


It's called Sidekick to Hero (available only on desktop at


Teens love it. Parents love it. More parents would love for their teen to try it.


So I came up with a clever plan to help parents out.


I created this short, high-energy challenge for teens to watch. Most find it helpful and fun.


At the end of the video, I tell your teen that they can earn a $25 Amazon Gift card if they want to go on to the next step.


The next step is trying out Sidekick to Hero.


If they are on board, then sign up for an annual subscription within 7 days of signing up for the challenge.


If your teen signs in to the app, creates their avatar, and watches ONE THING within 24 hours, they'll earn the gift card (you are the accountability partner on this).


There is a 14 day free trial, so if they never try it out, you can just cancel. At least you tried!


But, if they do try it out, they will love it, and you just signed your teen up for a powerful tool that will help them improve their life and that you know they will actually use!


Once your free trial is over, I give you a $25 "cash back" by sending you an Amazon Gift Card for you to pass along to them.


Everybody wins!!



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I am a Tool

Yes, I know how that sounds, but I'm going to stand by it.


I am a parent's best tool to help their teen learn the mental resilience skills they need to thrive in life.


My methods are proven and my training is solid. I have traditional values, a masters in education, two certifications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based coaching, and over 10 years working with teens.


Add to that my experience in comedy, creative writing, and performance, and I'm like a Bill Nye the Science Guy, but for mental resilience.


As you, the parent, love, guide, and teach your teen, you have me in your back pocket for those times when your teen resists letting you reach them.


You don't know how many emails I've received from parents saying, "My teen came up to me and said, 'Joey said [THIS] and it made so much sense!' and I'm like, I said that to you yesterday!"


Don't take it personally. One of my greatest features is that I'm not you.


I am a tool. But not just any tool. I'm your tool.

(okay, maybe I should use a different word...)



Here's a Clip from the Challenge

Your teen is amazing!

And they can see just how amazing they are when they put down the distractions and




Get Access to the Challenge Now

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Copyright © 2023 Sidekick to Hero

*Offer is for first time subscribers only. You cannot currently have an account or have cancelled in the past.

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